Family ID #: 132 in the Catalog of American P-rr-tt Families

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The family of
Phillip Parrott, Darlington, SC
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• 32 people in the tree, but living individuals have not been knowingly posted
• Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.

This is the fifth of the African-American families that appeared after the Civil War, and is primarily identified with Darlington county in South Carolina.

There are other African American families that originated in Darlington, South Carolina, but thus far, the paper record does not connect them. It is not known if these families are related to each other or to the pre-Civil War Parrott family of Darlington. Only a Y-DNA test will be able to tell if they are related or not. These families are identified according to their earliest known ancestor:

Return to the P-rr-tt families of North America

Updates & Corrections:
  • 01 Dec 2021: File established

  • Comments? Corrections? Additions? Please write.
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